A Dream...

A Dream Turned into Reality…

Welcome to our Dance Dynamics Blog. We will be sharing stories, tips, tricks and our passion in our world of dance. Check back for weekly updates and follow us on our journey of a lifetime.

My sister Stephanie and I were born and raised right here in Las Vegas, and started dancing at the bright bold ages of two and three years old. Funny story actually; Stephanie was enrolled in dance for her 3rd birthday. We are Irish twins (born of the same parents less than one year apart), so I had just turned two. Stephanie was more timid as a kid and more shy when it came to leaving our mom at the door. I, however was fascinated with the dancers and would stare through the window every single class. After about six months of staring through the window, and trying to sneak into class when my mom would be sending Stephanie into class, the teacher asked my mom if I wanted to try it. Knowing I was only two and half at this point, she asked my mom if I was potty trained (and I was)! That was it, the rest is history.

We started competing dance at six and seven years old, and continued through high school. Dancing has helped shaped me into the woman I am today, and I feel so honored and blessed to be able to continue to share my love for this sport with generations to come. Dance has always been a family affair. We have two brothers that even danced and competed at one point. It didn’t last as long as us, but if I say so myself, they had some sweet moves! Stephanie and I always said we wanted to make a career out of dancing. We’ve both have had some incredible opportunities as adults in the dance world, but one thing that’s never changed is our dream of opening our own sister studio one day. Growing up, our mom worked the front desk at the studio as long as we can remember, and our dad is a very handy man. When we were younger they used to say, dad can build us a studio, mom can work the office, and we can teach. It’s so amazing to see how that became a reality a few short months ago.

Stephanie and I have had so much fun preparing to open our doors from painting, and helping remodel, to setting up the schedule and late night talks about future growth with our new “baby”. The night before our open house, doing final preparations was such a surreal feeling. We were about to witness our lifelong dream turn into a reality in a matter of hours at that point. We are so proud of our entire dynamic team and have so many wonderful things in store this year and will be starting traditions to last for years to come.

Paige MelansonDance Dynamics